Insurance Solutions



Investing Process backed by Research
A+ or more
Reinsurance Companies
We offer innovative and adaptable financing and investment solutions to the real estate and casualty, annuity, and life insurance sectors.
Our solid track record of cycle-adjusted returns on investments, based on a value-based strategy, is consistent with the long-term commitments insurers render to policy holders.
We have a long history of serving the insurance industry, and our resources and knowledge cover every facet of an insurance balance sheet, from capital and reinsurance to asset selection and organizing, handling risks, and optimization of portfolios.
Invest with LGMCORP
As a publicly listed insurance holding company, LGMCORP Reinsurance owns and manages a burgeoning international insurance and reinsurance network and offers investors a substitute security via which to invest in LGMCORP.
Insurance Solutions
Peer Evaluation
Peer evaluation offers insightful information about underwriting, operation, and investment portfolio patterns and opportunities. It can determine whether a client, particularly with regard to investment risk, is a relative exception in the sector or when compared to peers. This evaluation can assist management in getting ready for inquiries from rating firms and authorities, who frequently use comparable tools.
Business Sectors
Our expanding global reach gives us the ability to support insurers across a range of regions with capital enhancement.
Operating Systems
We offer a variety of entry points for our exclusive capital and investment tactics through American National Insurance Group, a multi-line insurance platform headquartered in Texas.
Investing Solutions
We oversee capital for international insurance companies that are not affiliated.
Investments in Annuities
As one of Canada’s top providers of category annuity solutions for defined benefit plans, we are expanding our knowledge and experience into new markets across the world.

Insurance Options
LGMCORP is dedicated to assisting customers in creating personalized investment plans that take into account their particular goals and risk tolerance. Our investment strategy is based on our Strategic Portfolio Allocation (SPA) discipline, which makes use of our extensive peer evaluation, industry knowledge.
Insurance Examination
Management teams need assistance navigating a rapidly evolving insurance landscape. LGMCORP’s Insurance Examination group has been offering solutions to address this need. Respected industry expertise, continuous executive surveys, exclusive LGMCORP data, projections, and models, and our thorough analyses of insurer performance all contribute to LGMCORP’s well-regarded research and consulting services.
Strategic Portfolio Allocation
Rather than just concentrating on maximizing returns, LGMCORP takes a unique approach to creating investment strategies by considering the portfolio’s place within the insurer’s overall business.

Tailored Solutions
Built on Deep Knowledge and Collaboration
Specifically designed to meet the demands of insurance companies, LGMCORP is using it’s extensive insurance expertise in public as well as private asset classes, our team of experts creates tailored solutions.
Utilizing a variety of resources and tools, LGMCORP International Insurance Solutions creates solutions tailored to each client.

Portfolio Enhancement
Build specialized securities portfolios that are suited to our clients’ requirements in terms of both risk and return.

Portfolio Risk Control
Conduct a thorough factor-based evaluation.

Accounting and Reports
Fulfill accounting obligations and deliver personalized reporting

Stress Examining
Examine the possible impacts on the financial health of an organization based on clearly defined stress events.

Assets & Liabilities Management
Address a variety of assets/liability management issues, including cash flow forecasts, matching, and hedging, by utilizing an adaptable framework.

Benchmarks/Peer Evaluation
Organize portfolios in relation to a unique liability/peer benchmark made to fit the requirements of a business.

Regulatory Knowledge
Provide advice on insurance regulatory disclosures, inquiries from rating agencies, and risk-based capital computations based on the client’s location.

Calculated Asset Distribution
Create specialized models based on past data and sound judgment to establish effective frontiers that align investment capacities with client requirements.